In this week’s episode, I’m sharing the details about Ignition – the reinvention of automotive conferences. Check out the video for all the details!

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A few weeks ago, I was lucky to be invited to speak at YoastCon in the Netherlands – it’s an amazing conference held by Yoast, the company responsible for the badass SEO plugin for WordPress sites. I gave a presentation about Local SEO and advanced strategies, and as always, I wanted to share the entire presentation with you all – so here it is!

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In this week’s episode, Greg shares his entire presentation from LocalU in Dallas, the most advanced Local SEO conference in the industry. Learn in-depth strategies and tactics for building powerful local links to your site, as well as a detailed walkthrough of the actual link building process.

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Shoes of MozCon action shot from 2019So somehow, the “Shoes of MozCon” has become a tradition. I started off as a goofy thing to do on Twitter with my friend Bryant, and now it’s something everyone expects, and maybe even looks forward to (and this year, we even got shoe companies hitting us with ads on the hashtag). With COVID causing the conference to go virtual this year, it took a lot more work to make it happen. Special shout out to Hayley Bowyer, who helped me get all the speakers to send in photos.

So once again, here’s the MozCon recap post that you never knew you needed in your life… The Shoes of MozCon Virtual 2020!

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