So somehow, the “Shoes of MozCon” has become a tradition. I started off as a goofy thing to do on Twitter with my friend Bryant, and now it’s something everyone expects, and maybe even looks forward to (and this year, we even got shoe companies hitting us with ads on the hashtag). With COVID causing the conference to go virtual this year, it took a lot more work to make it happen. Special shout out to Hayley Bowyer, who helped me get all the speakers to send in photos.
So once again, here’s the MozCon recap post that you never knew you needed in your life… The Shoes of MozCon Virtual 2020!
Once again, we were guided through our conference experience by two fabulous emcees Cyrus Shepard and
Britney Muller. As
always, they were the perfect hosts.

MozCon 2020 – Day One

Sarah Bird
CEO – Moz
Last year Sarah kicked things off on a pegleg and spend the rest of the conference on a scooter, thanks to
her recent ankle surgery. This year she rocked a bad ass scar for her inspiring intro session.

Andy Crestodina
Co-Founder & CEO – Orbit Media
Andy rocked his trademark white slides (and shared a photo of part of his collection) for his presentation
on thought leadership in teh SEO industry.

Shannon McGuirk
Head of PR & Content – Aira
Shannon rocked comfy kicks in the grass with her dog and blew everyone away with her presentation on the
truth about digital PR campaigns.

Robin Lord
Senior Consultant – Distilled/Brainlabs
Robin kept it casual with some old-school Etnies for his presentation on getting brand awareness from

Phil Nottingham
Brand & Marketing Strategist – Wistia
Phil kicked back in some classic Western boots for his presentation on building a global brand without a
global budget.

Alexis Sanders
Senior SEO Manager – Merkle
Alexis went the fancy route with her shoes, and she slayed her presentation on the science of seeking your

Rob Ousbey
VP Product – Moz
Rob didn’t get me a shoe photo, so I’m using his attempt at getting #socksofmozcon going at last year’s
conference. (and woah, he’s got a beard now!) In my opinion, his was one of the most incredible presentations

Francine Rodriguez
Customer Success Manager – WordStream
Continuing the causal trend, Francine rocked this pair with added flair… and her presentation on embracing
automation had Twitter in a frenzy!

Ross Simmonds
CEO – Foundation
Is it really that surprising that the dude with “The Coolest Cool” as a Twitter handle wore some old school
Reebok Pumps? Even though he was suspender-less this year, he still destroyed the stage for the last
presentation of the day.
MozCon 2020 – Day Two

Britney Muller
Senior SEO Scientist – Moz
There are baby birds under the deck in her shoe photo! Also, she pretty much melted everyone’s brains with her presentation on accessible machine learning workflows.

Izzi Smith
Technical SEO Analyst – Ryte
While many of the speakers went casual with their shoe choices, Izzi was the only one to rock some comfy slippers. Plus, she destroyed her session, you’ll definitely want to check out the slides…

Flavilla Fongang
Managing Director – 3 Colours Rule
Flavilla went the polar opposite of comfy, but won the (totally imaginary) trophy for fanciest shoes at MozCon this year. You know her session was awesome because Twitter went absolutely nuts.

Brian Dean
Founder – Backlinko
I thought I wasn’t gonna get a shoe pic from Brian, but he shot one over just under the buzzer. He rocked some classic Birkenstocks (on his hands for some reason?). You’ll definitely want to study his Star Wars-themed slides on content promotion.

Joy Hawkins
Owner/President – Sterling Sky
The Queen of Local SEO (aka “Joy the Destroyer”) took it easy with some simple socks. Her presentation about bad data from Search Console had everyone on the edge of their seats.

Mike King
Managing Director – iPullRank
Forget the awesome sneakers. Mike absolutely blew everyone away with his 30 minute MOVIE presentation – a completely different conference presentation experience that raised the bar to impossible heights…

David Sottimano
Director – David Sottimano Search Consulting
David sent his photo in the day before he presented so he could share the most epic Shoes of Mozcon photo of the year. He’s in Colombia, building bamboo houses in the jungle… And his presentation on everyday marketing automation absolutely rocked.

Dana DiTomaso
President/Partner – Kick Point
Dana rocked some leather low-tops and shared an absolutely unbelievable presentation about making your client discovery process better. Plus, she’s always got some of the best looking slides in the game.

Heather Physioc
Group Connections Director, Discoverability – VMLY&R
Heather managed to get a shoe photo that showed off her tattoos and her dog – and she shared an incredibly actionable presentation on having a competitive advantage in a commoditized industry.

Wil Reynolds
Founder & VP Innovation – Seer Interactive
Wil sent me a series of unboxing photos for his entry to Shoes of MozCon, so I created a sweet animated gif to show them all. He closed out the day with a mind-blowing presentation about connecting with the c-suite to make ourselves more valuable.
That’s it for MozCon 2020 – hopefully we’re able to get together in person again next year – and I’ll see you all then!