SearchLab’s Blog of Awesomeness

Knowledge bombs to help you learn more about Local SEO and PPC

Local SEO Processes

Founder and Managing Partner of SearchLab Chicago, Mark Bealin gave the following presentation at State of Search 2019 in Dallas Texas.

Click on the image below to view, print or download the “Local SEO Processes” presentation:

Top 10 SEO Trends For Google in 2020

2019 was a big year for SEO.

Search engines have become smarter and smarter. 2019 saw numerous Google algorithm changes—from sweeping core updates that benefited expert, authoritative, and trustworthy content, to diversity updates that reduced the same domain appearing multiple times in the search results.

Even more? 

In late 2019, Google released BERT, or the search engine’s neural network-based mechanism for understanding the “nuance” and “context” of a user’s query. Now, Google can piece together context clues to generate results almost at the level of human speech. Big deal, right?

Suds and Search 003 | Kyle Akerman at Twisted Hippo Brewing

Also available as a Podcast:


On this episode of Suds and Search, I’m joined by my friend Kyle Akerman. Kyle is a well-respected Analytics expert who helps businesses and agencies to truly understand their data. I love this topic! Analytics is really where the rubber meets the road in digital marketing.

SearchLab Client Survey Results and Improved Reporting

In May and June of 2019, SearchLab conducted a survey of our clients to find out how we could improve our monthly reporting.

We are grateful for the responses and excited about some changes that will be coming to future reports.

We Are Addressing Two Specific Areas

  1. The previous reports included many graphs and charts, which were hard for many of our clients to understand. There was not enough of a description of what we were measuring and how it benefits the client.For instance, one survey respondent said, “I really think a brief key that would identify what your acronyms mean [would be beneficial]. A clear statement at the start of each segment area explaining why it is important and exactly what it is measuring would be a huge help.”
  2. Clients expressed a desire for greater transparency in our reporting, including reports containing wording that explains specifically what was done in the prior month, how the campaign has improved and what challenges we are facing.

Suds and Search 002 | Pilot Digital Marketing at Half Acre Beer Company

Also available as a Podcast:


North of downtown Chicago is a neighborhood called North Center, a former industrial corridor that’s transitioned into a bustling mix of residential and commercial activity. North Center is well known for two things: It’s home to dozens of service-oriented start-ups, digital agencies and creatives mostly located in the industrial buildings along the train tracks on Ravenswood. It’s also where you can find some of Chicago’s best micro-breweries, spirit distilleries and watering holes.

Suds and Search 001 | Digital Third Coast at Dovetail Brewery | SearchLab Chicago SEO

Also available as a Podcast:


North of downtown Chicago is a neighborhood called North Center, a former industrial corridor that’s transitioned into a bustling mix of residential and commercial activity.North Center is well known for 2 things. It’s home to dozens of service-oriented start-ups, digital agencies and creatives mostly located in the industrial buildings along the train tracks on Ravenswood. It’s also where you can find some of Chicago’s best micro-breweries, spirit distilleries and watering holes.

Traffic & Conversion and How To EAT The Medic Update [Podcast]

Mark was interviewed by Business Innovators Radio Network host Neil Howe about the Google Medic update and how it is related to the Expertise, Authority and Trust (EAT) ranking factors.


Welcome to the Trust Factor Radio, bringing you interviews and insights to unlock the power of the subconscious mind, to create authority, credibility, and trust, with your host, the Authority architect and bestselling author Neil Howe.