In 2011, I was a young SEO Director for a small agency. I read a blog post from a not very well known SEO with a memorable Twitter handle – ipullrank. After reading the post, I remember sending an email to our team that said something like, “You all need to read this immediately.” The author of that blog post was Michael King and I’ve remained a fan of his ever since.
Today, Mike is the Managing Director of iPullrank, the digital marketing agency he founded. Mike and his team work with some of the most iconic brands on the Fortune 500 list. He’s got a really interesting back story. I start our conversation talking about his journey from unappreciated contractor to agency owner.
Mike is an expert blogger, presenter and frequent keynoter. He’s presented all over the world at basically every major conference including MozCon, Brighton SEO, SearchLove, and pretty much all the SMX events. If you’ve never heard him present, you’re missing out. His presentation style is unique. For example, this year’s Mozcon was a virtual event. He didn’t give a speech. He made a movie. There’s even a trailer.
Over the course of my career, he’s written blog posts that occupy the attention of SEOs for weeks afterward. I’m going to ask him about one of those posts from earlier this year advising all of us to reconsider rank tracking.
One of my favorite things about SEO is toggling between your left brain and right brain. Mike King does as well or better than anyone I know. No one this good technically should be allowed to be this good creatively.
Also, Mike King is cool. He was a professional rapper, on tour in Europe, doing work on a train between gigs before he ever considered SEO his full-time career.
Grab a beer and join me for a conversation with Mike King. We’re going to be talking about technical content optimization, Natural Language Processing, and blindfold rapping.