Best Practices

Suds & Search 138 | Curtis Boyd, Founder of The Transparency Company

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Curtis Boyd, Founder of the Transparency Company.

Anyone who has paid any attention to Local SEO knows that spam is a big problem. In many cases, the spam isn’t merely annoying, it’s downright fraud. Consumers are harmed.

Suds & Search 136 | Petra Kis-Herczegh, Senior Solutions Engineer at Yext

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Petra Kis-Herczegh, Senior Solutions Engineer at Yext.

Petra is an in-demand conference speaker who has been everywhere lately. A few places you might’ve heard her present include Mozcon, SearchLove, and Brighton SEO. She is also an active member of the Women in Tech SEO community.

Local SEO Conference Tips: Brighton SEO

A couple of weeks ago, Greg was back in Brighton, England, at BrightonSEO. He’s been speaking at BrightonSEO twice a year for the last eight years now, and he also teaches the Local SEO training class – if you’re watching this, go sign up and come to his training class in April! But as always, he likes to collect some awesome tips to help you be better at digital marketing and running your businesses. He collected excellent tips from friends and speakers out at Brighton SEO, so check it out!

Suds & Search 134 | Noah Learner, VP of Product at Two Octobers

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Noah Learner, Vice President of Product at Two Octobers and Founder of Branch Tools.

Throughout the past couple of years, Noah has been one of the most extraordinary digital marketers to follow. He’s ubiquitous on the conference circuit, he’s a must-follow on social media, and most importantly he’s been creating some of the best tools for SEO we’ve ever seen.

Local SEO Tip: GBP Waiting Period

Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays. Greg’s in the UK, speaking at Brighton SEO, so Dane stepped in for this week’s episode. Today, we’re going to talk about an important issue with user management in your Google Business Profile.

This week’s tip is short, but really important for every business out there. Recently, Google implemented a mandatory waiting period for new managers of Google Business Profiles. Whenever you add a new manager (or transfer ownership to a new user), that new manager won’t be able to make any edits to the profile for seven days.

Suds & Search 132 | Kayla Kurtz, Director of Sales at Closed Loop

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Kayla Kurtz, Director of Sales at Closed Loop.

Kayla is one of the most respected sales leaders in our industry. She’s held leadership sales positions at several well-known agencies and developed a reputation for doing digital marketing sales the right way.

Greg’s SEO Slides: Utah DMC Event

Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays. This week’s video is another longer one, because Greg spoke at an event in Salt Lake City last week and we’re sharing his entire presentation.

Last week, Greg flew up to Salt Lake City to present at the Utah DMC monthly event. It’s a really awesome digital marketing meetup, and he gave a pretty awesome presentation about creating and delivering better SEO reports. It’s about 30 minutes long, so kick back and enjoy!

Suds & Search 131 | Jon Morris, CEO of Ramsay Innovations

Also available as a Podcast:

Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Jon Morris, CEO of Ramsay Innovations.

Jon was the founder of Rise Interactive and served as the company’s CEO from 2004-2020. Jon did it all Rise. He started the company after winning $10,000 from a business school competition, scaled the business to over 250 employees, and successfully exited.

Now Jon is onto his next venture, Ramsay Innovations. He is using what he learned from his time at Rise Interactive to help other upstart agencies solve a fundamental problem, their finances.