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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Petra Kis-Herczegh, Senior Solutions Engineer at Yext.
Petra is an in-demand conference speaker who has been everywhere lately. A few places you might’ve heard her present include Mozcon, SearchLove, and Brighton SEO. She is also an active member of the Women in Tech SEO community.
Petra is also an excellent blogger and writer. We start our conversation asking her about a recent blog post she wrote for Moz about the importance of soft skills for SEO. While it may seem obvious that SEOs need to work on their soft skills, we’ve met and work with plenty of highly technical, highly effective SEOs who roll their eyes any time the topic of soft skills comes up.
Petra also gave one of our favorite talks at this year’s Mozcon. Her presentation was about things she learned from working with a sales team that every SEO should know. We loved this chat because it went outside of the normal talk track of tactics and strategies and got the heart of everyday workplace conflict and how if we put ourselves in the shoes of a sales person we might learn a few things that make us better at our jobs.
Grab something cold to drink and join us for a conversation the Petra Kis-Herczegh. We’ll chat about how being a proactive listener can make you a better SEO, we spend some time talking about SEO maturity within an organization, and we have to ask her about her talent for making some of the very nicest-looking presentation slides we’ve ever seen.