Best Practices

Suds and Search 108 | Andi Jarvis, Strategy Director at Eximo Marketing

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Andi Jarivs, Strategy Director at Eximo Marketing.

Andi is one of our favorite conference presenters. We filmed this conversation a few weeks before Andi keynote the Brighton SEO conference.

He hosts a really excellent podcast called Strategy Sessions. Andi frequently guest lectures at universities in Northern Ireland including his alma mater Ulster University.

He’s also a must follow on social media. If you’re not following him already check him out on Twitter at the handle, @andijarvis (Andi with an “i” at the end).

We have a lot of guests who are very good at a specific thing – link building, Facebook ads, or technical SEO. Andi is really good at something that’s a little more holistic. He’s a strategist.

Good tactics without a good strategy seldom workout well. A strategist’s expertise lies in their ability to humbly listen to the person paying the bills to make sure that tactics are aligned with goals and everyone involved in a project is rowing in the same direction.

We love marketing strategy and so it was a real treat to sit down with someone who has Andi’s level of expertise.

Grab something cold to drink and join us for a conversation with Andi Jarvis. We’ll talk about academically trained marketers vis-à-vis self-taught marketers, he’ll tell us a little bit about destination marketing, and we’ll see if we can get Andi to tell one of his famous dad jokes.

Greg’s SEO Presentation from Brighton SEO

This week, I meant to share a recording of my Brighton SEO presentation last week – but I didn’t realize that we weren’t allowed to share recordings of the conference sessions for Brighton SEO yet…

So instead, I’m sharing the slides from my session, which are still valuable as a stand-alone. Check back in a few months and I’ll be sharing a recording of the presentation!

Suds and Search 107 | Dan Moore, President of Vistadash

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Dan Moore, President of Vistadash.

Dan is an extremely popular conference speaker. You may have heard him present at Gary Vayberchuck’s Agent 2021, TedTalks, or as a frequent presenter at automotive conferences like NADA, Digital Dealer, and The Automotive Analytics & Attribution Summit.

“Half of my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” You’ve probably heard this phrase before. Dan’s company helps dealerships find out what’s working and maybe more importantly, what isn’t. Vistadash is a marketing dashboard for automotive dealerships that combines all of the useful data for the dealership and puts it on one screen.

Dan, unsurprisingly, specializes in helping automotive dealerships understand what’s happening with their marketing dollars. The good stuff, the bad stuff, and the ugly stuff. I was really excited to have him on so that we could nerd out about data and analytics.

Grab something cold to drink and join me for a conversation with Dan Moore. We’ll talk about the most common problems dealerships have when collecting their data, we’ll chat a little bit about how the chip shortage has made data collection more complicated, and I’ll ask him a couple of questions about his book, “Do Moore, Get More.”

Greg’s SEO presentation from SMX

On this week’s episode of Local Search Tuesdays, I’ve got another awesome presentation to share with you. I was the closing keynote for SMX Munich, one of the biggest digital marketing conferences in Europe, and I’m sharing my entire presentation with you for this week’s episode. It’s about half an hour long, but it’s packed with awesome tips about taking a holistic approach to local digital marketing – check it out!

Suds and Search 106 | Justin Sanger, Founder and CEO of SMB Chain

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Justin Sanger, Founder and CEO at SMBchain, Justin is a serial entrepreneur who’s dedicated his professional life to solving the marketing challenges facing small businesses. This is Justin’s second appearance on the show.

My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Justin Sanger, Founder and CEO of SMBchain. Justin is a serial entrepreneur who’s dedicated his professional life to solving the marketing challenges facing small businesses. This is Justin’s second appearance on the show.

He founded LocalLaunch back in 2003. LocalLaunch capitalized on the massive shift from print to digital. I started my career at LocalLaunch and I was captivated by Justin’s foresight then and I still find him to be one of the most fascinating people in the industry.

What’s he doing with SMBchain?

Justin looks at the promise of Web3 and blockchain technology as the next big frontier for innovation that can improve people’s lives.

Crypto, blockchain, web3, NFTs – these are some of the most popular topics on social media. There are skeptics, there are people investing large sums of money into it, and there are plenty of people who don’t get it. I’ve wanted to have a conversation like this one for a while now but I needed someone with Justin’s level expertise to do it right.

This episode isn’t only about web3, it’s also about how Justin is positioning SMBchain to solve a major problem for smbs. In short, he thinks SMBs should own their own data online and he’s on a quest to make sure that they can.

Grab something cold to drink and join me for a conversation with Justin Sanger. We’ll talk about the enormous potential of web3, he’ll tell me about SMBchain’s “proof of business” concept, and we’ll spend a little time talking about how SMBs can regain their authenticity online.

Come see SearchLab at NADA

SearchLab is heading to the National Automobile Dealers Association convention this weekend, so we’re sharing all the details in this week’s video. We’ll be at booth 5129W, so if you’ll be out in Vegas, make sure you stop by and say hi! I’ll also be presenting an educational workshop on Thursday at 2:30, so come check it out if you want to hear the latest and greatest on SEO.

Suds and Search 100 | Aaron Levy, VP of Paid Search at Tinuiti

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Aaron Levy, Vice President of Paid Search at Tinuiti.

Aaron is one of the most popular and influential PPC experts in the world. He is a mainstay on PPC Hero’s list of the top 25 PPC experts in the world. He’s a talented presenter who has spoken at numerous conferences including HeroConf, SMX, the Utah DMC Conference, and the Paid Search Association conference.

Aaron’s also a terrific blogger who’s been published in Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land. He frequently appears on podcasts and webinars.

Suds and Search 98 | Michelle Robbins, Senior Director of Data and Analytics for Clearlink

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Michelle Robbins, Senior Director for Data and Analytics at Clearlink. Michelle is a veteran digital marketer, product developer, software engineer, and marketing technology executive.

Prior to joining the team at Clearlink, Michelle held leadership positions at Aimclear and Third Door Media, the publisher of Search Engine Land, Marketing Land, and the company that puts on all the SMX events.

Suds and Search 97 | Alex Alexakis, founder of PixelChefs

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Alex Alexakis, Founder of PixelChefs.

There’s a recurring topic that comes up on industry blogs and on SEO Twitter – the relationship between SEOs and web developers. Long story short, it’s often a challenging relationship to navigate. SEOs complain that their changes never get implemented. Web developers complain that SEOs are annoying. It’s often a fraught relationship but both pieces have to work in order for a client to experience any kind of success.