Greg’s SEO Slides: Modern Retailing Conference

On this week’s Local Search Tuesdays, we’ve got another awesome presentation to share. A few weeks ago, Greg was down in Fort Lauderdale at the Modern Retailing Conference, and since it was such a popular presentation, we wanted to share it with you here. It’s about half an hour long, so kick back and get comfortable!

Greg’s SEO Slides: Digital Dealer Las Vegas Part 2

Last week on Local Search Tuesdays, we shared the first half of Greg’s presentation from Digital Dealer Vegas, so we’re back to share the second half on this week’s episode. It’s about a half-hour long, so kick back, and get ready for the conclusion to The Michael Myers Guide to Killing Your Competition with Automotive SEO!

Suds & Search 137 | Greg Gifford, VP of Search at SearchLab Digital

Also available as a Podcast:

Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Greg Gifford, SearchLab’s Vice President of Search.

Greg is a man who needs no introduction. He’s an internationally recognized conference speaker and one of the most popular presenters in the industry.

It would be more concise to list the conferences he hasn’t spoken at. He’s well-known in the SEO community presenting at conferences like MozCon, SMX, Pubcon, and UnGagged.

Greg’s Top 5 Halloween Movies for Streaming

On this week’s Local Search Tuesdays, we’ve got a special episode for you, ‘cause it’s almost Halloween!

We know that most of you have been watching for a while, so you probably knew this was coming. But for those of you who are new viewers, Greg is obviously obsessed with movies, and equally obsessed with Halloween. Every year for the Halloween episode, he shares a list of the best horror movies to watch.

Local SEO Conference Tips: Brighton SEO

A couple of weeks ago, Greg was back in Brighton, England, at BrightonSEO. He’s been speaking at BrightonSEO twice a year for the last eight years now, and he also teaches the Local SEO training class – if you’re watching this, go sign up and come to his training class in April! But as always, he likes to collect some awesome tips to help you be better at digital marketing and running your businesses. He collected excellent tips from friends and speakers out at Brighton SEO, so check it out!