SearchLab’s Blog of Awesomeness

Knowledge bombs to help you learn more about Local SEO and PPC

Suds and Search 37 | Will Critchlow, Founder and CEO of SearchPilot

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My guest on this episode of Suds & Search is Will Critchlow, CEO at SearchPilot and SEO Partner at Brainlabs. Will is one of the most famous SEO presenters in the world. His content is ubiquitous on blogs, webinars, and at industry conferences.

Will co-founded Distilled in 2005 with Duncan Morris. Distilled became an iconic brand in SEO, winning numerous industry awards. Will and the team at Distilled started the conference series SearchLove, one of the most popular search marketing conferences with events held in London, San Diego, and New York.

Earlier this year, Distilled’s consulting services were acquired by BrainLabs. I’m going to start our conversation by talking about what it was like to go through an acquisition.

His new project, SearchPilot, was originally software Distilled used to help their clients. Now they’ve developed a really interesting way for SEOs to do A/B tests. A/B testing is popular in Conversion Rate Optimization and Paid Media, but not as much in SEO. I’m going to ask him about some of the findings from the A/B tests he and the team at SearchPilot have performed.

Will and Distilled have had an amazing relationship with Moz and Moz’s co-founder Rand Fishkin that I’ve followed from afar. We talk about how building genuine relationships rather than transactional relationships was a key to Distilled’s rapid growth.

Grab a beer and join me for a conversation with Will Critchlow one of the most important voices in SEO. We’ll talk about how the industry has evolved over his 15-year career, how to do a proper a/b test in SEO, we’ll talk about his love for basketball and what he learned from having his children perform a handful of searches on Google.

Greg’s Top 10 Halloween Horror Movies

This week, we’re taking a break from SEO and digital marketing tips… It’s Halloween this weekend, so I’m sharing my list of top 10 Halloween horror movies. I’m skipping the obvious commercial choices and going with rarely seen and/or underrated horror flicks, so check out the list and have a creepy Halloween!

Suds and Search 36 | Duane Brown, owner of Take Some Risk

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Duane Brown, Founder and Head Marketer at Take Some Risk.

Duane started Take Some Risk in January of 2017. In a short period of time, they have developed an impressive roster of clients including Birdies, Unbounce, and Woocommerce.

Duane is a paid media expert who worked internationally for years before starting his own agency. His journey from vagabond digital marketer to agency owner…during a lockdown was definitely something I wanted to discuss with him.

Duane is an in-demand conference speaker who has presented all over the world. A shortlist of the conferences he’s spoken at include, Brighton, INBOUND, SMX, and SEERfest.

Duane is also an accomplished writer. What I really like are his long-form guides to lesser-used advertising channels like Snap Ads and Tik Tok. I’ll spend a lot of our conversation talking about his guides and how marketers can use these channels more effectively.

Grab a beer and join me for a conversation with Duane Brown. We’ll discuss the value of advertising on smaller channels like Tik Tok and Snap, Google’s update to their Search Terms report, and why he decided to fire all his clients in August 2017.

Greg’s Local SEO Presentation from PubCon

This week’s episode is another long one – but it’s packed with awesome Local SEO tips! I wanted to share my presentation from PubCon last week – one of the industry’s oldest and largest digital marketing conferences. I share lots of up to date tips to help gain more visibility in local searches and explain several of the recent COVID-related updates to Google My Business – you definitely don’t want to miss it!

Suds and Search 35 | Mordy Oberstein, Liaison to the search community at Wix

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My guest on this episode of Suds & Search is Mordy Oberstein.

Mordy is a talented SEO speaker, podcaster, blogger, and social media influencer. He’s presented at SMX West, SMX Advanced, Ungagged, DMIExpo, and many other places.

Mordy is also one of the most popular SEO podcasters. He’s launching a new show called Behind SEOs. He’s already lined up some impressive guests.

In a former life, Mordy was a school teacher and it shows in his approach as an SEO educator. This comes through most in his blog content. I would encourage you to check out his columns at Search Engine Land.

Mordy hosts the popular #SEOchat which happens every Thursday at 1:00 pm. To join in, simply check out the hash tag #SEOchat to participate.

Until very recently he was the CMO at Rank Ranger, the popular SEO tool suite. He recently started a job at Wix as their Liaison to the SEO community. In a rare scoop for Suds & Search, we caught up with Mordy a couple of weeks into his new job to discuss how things are going.

Grab a beer and tune in to learn from one of the really good guys in the industry. We’ll talk about featured snippets, algorithm updates, NFL fandom and the beer scene in Israel.

Suds and Search 34 | Jeff Ferguson, Partner at Amplitude Digital

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My guest on this episode of Suds & Search is Jeff Ferguson. Jeff is a Partner and the Head of the Production Team at Amplitude Digital. He is an industry veteran with over 25 years of experience in digital marketing. In that time, he’s worked with large organizations like Belkin, CBS, eHarmony, Manchester United, Paychex, Sony and many others.

He is a regular presenter at conferences such as Ad:tech, AllFacebook Expo, Conversion Conference, eMetrics, and SMX. He is also a professor at UCLA where he teaches classes in Advanced Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.

Earlier this year, Jeff wrote an article for Search Engine Journal titled, “Do We Have the Math to Truly Decode Google’s Algorithms?” The article quickly gained interest on Twitter and throughout the SEO community. I’m going to spend a lot of our conversation discussing some of the points made in the article.

Prior to joining Amplitude, Jeff owned his own agency Fang Marketing. I’m going to ask him about the experience of getting acquired during a global pandemic.

Jeff is also a lot of fun to have a beer with. Bonus points to Jeff for bringing an imperial coffee stout from Gigantic Brewing Company with an unforgettable picture of Sam Jackson on the front of it (picture on the next page).

Join us for a conversation that scrutinizes the tools SEOs use, the studies we rely on for information and learn a little bit about Gentlemen Scientists.

Greg’s presentation from BrightonSEO

In this week’s episode, I share the video of my presentation at BrightonSEO last week – the UK’s largest digital marketing conference. I packed 20 minutes with time-saving tips for using Google Data Studio for reporting. If you haven’t played with Data Studio yet, now’s the time to get started. Watch these awesome tips and take your reporting game to the next level!

Suds and Search 33 | Dave and Mary Davies, owners of Beanstalk Internet Marketing

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My guests today are Mary and Dave Davies, the husband and wife co-founders of Beanstalk Internet Marketing. They’ve got a new project called Oohloo which I’m going to talk to them about during this conversation.

This is the first time we’ve had a couple on Suds & Search and it was one of my favorite episodes yet.

Mary and Dave are experienced and sought after experts in SEO, Social Media Marketing, and user experience. They are both fixtures on the speaking circuit. They’ve presented independently and sometimes as a couple at State of Search, Pubcon, SMX, SEM Summit and many, many other places.

They are contributors to Search Engine Journal, SEMrush, Search Engine Watch, and Search Engine Land. Dave has co-hosted his own podcast known as Webcology for over a decade.

All their professional accomplishments aside, Dave and Mary Davies might be the two nicest people I’ve ever met. Mary consistently supports causes around mental health and suicide prevention which are far too common in our industry. We’re going to talk a little bit about her upbringing and background in social work and how it impacts her work today.

What I like most about Dave is his unbridled enthusiasm. Some presenters sit behind a podium and speak in a monotone voice. Dave is an energetic teacher pacing across the stage educating the audience on some of the most complex topics in SEO. I’m going to ask him about one of his favorite topics, Entities.

Grab a beer and join me for a conversation with Mary and Dave Davies. We’ll talk about social media marketing during COVID, their new Entity Crawler & Reporting Tool, and what dinner conversation is like in the Davies household.