Digital Marketing

Suds & Search 157 | Adam Proehl, Founder and Principal Consultant at NordicClick Interactive

Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Adam Proehl, Founder and Principal Consultant at NordicClick Interactive, a full-service digital marketing agency based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Adam has over two decades of digital marketing experience. He’s a frequent speaker at industry events including Pubcon, SMX, Digital Summit, and many other places. He has been a judge for the Interactive Marketing Awards, and he is a frequent blogger. You can find some of his writing at Search Engine Land and Search Engine Journal.

Suds & Search 156 | Martha Van Berkel, CEO and Co-founder of SchemaApp

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Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Martha Van Berkel, CEO and Co-founder of SchemaApp.

Martha is an in-demand conference presenter, educator, blogger, entrepreneur, and the leading expert in our industry on structured data and Schema.

Just Released: 2023 Local Search Ranking Factors

Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays. This week, we’ve got something really exciting to share – the 2023 LSRF is here!

Every year, Darren Shaw and Whitespark conduct the Local Search Ranking Factors study – those of us in “the biz” lovingly refer to it as the LSRF. It’s basically the guide for what to do if you want to show up better in local searches. If you’re in Local SEO, get ready to get your mind blown… It’s been fifteen years since David Mihm did the first LSRF – way back in 2008!

Digital Marketing Tips: Pubcon Austin 2023

If you’ve been watching this series for long at all, you know Greg loves to grab speakers and friends at conferences to share quick tips. Since this was the first time he’s seen most of these people since 2020, there was no way he was going to miss the opportunity to grab as many people as he could and have them share something awesome.

Check out this week’s episode for the ridiculously awesome list of tips!

Suds & Search 152 | Marty Weintraub, Founder of Aimclear

Also available as a Podcast:

Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds and Search is Marty Weintraub, Founder of Aimclear.

Marty is one of the most popular digital marketing personalities in the world. He’s an in-demand conference presenter and frequent keynote speaker. He’s presented at nearly every major digital marketing conference. In fact, at this point, it would probably be easier to list the conferences he hasn’t spoken at.

Greg’s SEO Presentation: Pubcon Austin

This week’s episode of Local Search Tuesdays is a fun one – it’s Greg’s entire presentation on SEO reporting from Pubcon Austin last week… And it features his most badass title slide he’s ever created!

Conferences are finally coming back after the COVID break, so he popped down to Austin last week to speak at the first Pubcon we’ve had since 2020. If you’re in marketing or any position that provides reports to clients, you definitely need to check out this presentation. Or, just check it out for all the awesome horror movie references, we’re good either way. It’s a bit longer than usual, so get comfy and check it out!

Suds & Search 151 | Amanda Milligan, Head of Marketing at Stacker

Also available as a Podcast:

Our guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Amanda Milligan, Head of Marketing at Stacker.

This is her second appearance on this show, and she’s one of our favorite guests. Amanda is an in-demand conference speaker who frequently presents on topics related to Digital PR and link building.