In this week’s episode, I answer the question “What is Local SEO?” for all of you out there who are still new to the local marketing game. I realized I’ve been talking about it, but not really explaining what it is at a basic level – so check out this week’s video to find out! I also share a quick test that’s simple to run yourself that will show you if you need Local SEO.
In this week’s episode, I share the secret to recovering all those awesome reviews that are hidden in your Yelp profile. Yelp only counts reviews from what it considers to be “regular Yelp users” – so I share a tip that will help you get those reviews to show up and count towards your score!
On this week’s episode of Local Search Tuesdays, I share what might be a shocking revelation: No one cares about your testimonials page! Customers want to read honest, unbiased reviews on third party sites, and they know that your testimonials page will only list glowing 5-star reviews. Watch the video for more info, and for why you should keep the page on your site anyway.
In this week’s video, I talk about responding to reviews from people who weren’t customers – whether it’s a misplaced review that should have gone to another business, a bad review from someone who clearly wasn’t a customer, or even a bad review from a disgruntled ex-employee, I share examples of how to respond to these “bogus” bad reviews that we all hate.
In this week’s video, I talk about responding to customer reviews – how quickly to respond, what to say, and why responses to bad reviews are incredibly important. Check out the video for all the awesome details…
In this week’s episode, I share a useful tip for your review strategy – if a customer leaves a review that includes a keyword you’re trying to rank for, you’re more likely to show up in searches for that keyword! You can’t tell customers what to write, so I share a little Jedi mind trick that you can use to guide customers in the right direction.
In this week’s episode, I’m sharing research that shows that you actually don’t want a perfect 5.0 review score on Google. Many studies have been done to show that a few bad reviews actually help you attract more customers. Check out the video for all the details!
So somehow, the “Shoes of MozCon” has become a tradition. I started off as a goofy thing to do on Twitter with my friend Bryant, and now it’s something everyone expects, and maybe even looks forward to (and this year, we even got shoe companies hitting us with ads on the hashtag). With COVID causing the conference to go virtual this year, it took a lot more work to make it happen. Special shout out to Hayley Bowyer, who helped me get all the speakers to send in photos.
So once again, here’s the MozCon recap post that you never knew you needed in your life… The Shoes of MozCon Virtual 2020!
In this week’s episode, I share the details about a study that was released last week by Whitespark, a Local SEO tool company, about how auto dealers use GMB and its various features. Check out the video – you’ll be shocked at how many dealers aren’t fully utilizing Google My Business!
In this week’s episode, we’re talking about reviews again. The easiest way to get more reviews is to ask every customer for a review – and then make it easy for them to leave a review. Watch and learn more, including specific tips for how to follow up that boost your chances of getting more reviews.