My guest on this weeks episode of Suds & Search is Dixon Jones, CEO of inLinks.
Dixon is an industry veteran, a published author, frequent blogger, and one of the best educators in the industry. He’s won numerous awards including the illustrious Search Personality of the Year Award, and inLinks, the company he founded, won the award for Search Technology of the Year.
Dixon is an in-demand conference presenter and frequent keynote speaker. A few places you might’ve heard Dixon speak include, Pubcon, Brighton SEO, State of Search, and SMX.
I caught up with Dixon on the day inLinks was launching their new, super cool social media tool. This is the closest Suds & Search has come to a scoop, so I’m going to ask Dixon all about it.
We’ll spend most of our time together talking about Dixon’s favorite topic, entities. He literally wrote the book titled, “Entity SEO Book: Moving from Strings to Things.” If you really want to learn how Google has evolved its search engine over the years, you might be hard-pressed to find a better expert than Dixon Jones, and he explains complex things in a way that’s very accessible.
Grab something cold to drink and join me for a conversation with Dixon Jones. We’ll chat about disambiguation, how we can learn about the knowledge graph from posters you might find at a pub, and I’ll spend a little time chatting about meeting the queen.