Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays. This week, we’ve got an exciting and fun new presentation to share with you, from Greg’s first time speaking at a cannabis conference!

Last weekend, Greg flew up to Chicago for CannaCon – a big conference for the cannabis industry. Dispensaries aren’t able to run Google Ads, since marijuana is still illegal at the federal level – but recreational weed is legal in 19 states now. And for dispensaries in those states, SEO is the most important marketing channel for growing the business.

We wanted to share a re-do of his presentation here, as always. This was a fun one, since he included just about every stoner movie ever made in the movie references. Check it out!

article by

Greg Gifford

Chief Operating Officer

Greg Gifford is the Chief Operating Officer of Search at SearchLab, a boutique marketing agency that provides Local SEO and PPC to SMBs all over the US and Canada. He's got over 17 years of online marketing and web design experience, and he’s one of the most in-demand conference speakers at digital marketing conferences all over the world.

He graduated from Southern Methodist University with a BA in Cinema and Communications, and has an obscure movie quote for just about any situation.

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