Google My Business

Keywords in Google reviews will help you rank

In this week’s episode, I share a useful tip for your review strategy – if a customer leaves a review that includes a keyword you’re trying to rank for, you’re more likely to show up in searches for that keyword! You can’t tell customers what to write, so I share a little Jedi mind trick that you can use to guide customers in the right direction.

Get more Google reviews with a direct review link

In this week’s episode, I share a simple tip that will help you get more Google reviews. Customers can get lost in the process – to leave a review, they have to be logged in to Google, they have to find your Google My Business profile, and they have to know exactly where to click. If you offer a direct link to your review widget, you’ll make it easier for customers to leave reviews. You’ll get more reviews, which is great for your reputation and awesome for your SEO.

Is your department GMB showing up instead of your main GMB? Here’s how to fix it

In this week’s video, I’m sharing a quick tip that will help all the dealerships out there who have their department listings showing up in Google searches for the dealership name. There’s a bug in Google that causes the wrong Google My Business listing to show up, which is obviously bad for business… And I’m sharing the quick solution to help you fix the problem yourself!