Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Tips from Pubcon

Welcome back to another episode of Local Search Tuesdays! This week’s video is a long-awaited treat… A few months ago, I thought it would be awesome to start doing quick interviews with the top digital marketing speakers when I spoke at a conference. I started at Pubcon, and got some awesome tips.

I ended up switching jobs and in the interim, the release of the video got a bit delayed… But now that I’ve got Local Search Tuesdays up and running, we can finally release the video!

Check it out – it’s packed with awesome tips from some of the top digital marketing experts in the world…

What is Pay Per Click? Your Guide to PPC Marketing

Are you curious about why marketers can’t stop talking about the effectiveness of pay per click advertising?

It’s estimated that pay per click ads are going to bring in over $97 million in revenue for businesses that invest in it this year, and that number is only expected to grow as time goes on.

Despite its importance, there are still plenty of professionals asking themselves ‘what is pay per click?’ and wondering if it’s worth using it.

If you’re looking for pay per click strategies that make sense and a good rundown of why people love pay per click marketing, you’ve come to the right place.

How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Agency

Choosing the right agency is critical to your business success and requires a serious assessment of an agency’s capabilities and results.

Digital marketing is a very competitive industry with many large firms and smaller agencies starting up every day. Without knowing exactly what to look for, you will find difficulty in choosing an agency that is right for your business.

After reading the following criteria, we hope you choose us to represent your business. If your choice is not our agency, we still hope this information is helpful as you make this critical business decision.