My guest today is Casey Markee, owner of Media Wyse.
He is a staple at SEO conferences all over the world including SMX, Pubcon, State of Search, and Onward. He co-authored the book, UnFair Advantage: Winning the Search Engine Wars, which has been updated over 289 times as of this publication. It is the longest continuously updated SEO book on the Internet.
Casey has been in SEO for over 20 years and has a vast array of knowledge, but he’s earned a reputation for a specific skill… site audits. The current waitlist to get one his famous site audits? Over 6 months!
Casey’s talents are especially popular in the food and travel blog niche. He basically works off of referrals and doesn’t have any trouble finding new opportunities. There are a lot of people who speak at conferences and publish content but what surprised me about Casey was the sheer number of endorsements he’s gotten from previous clients.
Casey’s also a lot of fun to have a beer with. On this episode of Suds & Search we talk about common SEO mistakes people are making, how to avoid Google penalties, and his deep love of bacon.