My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Tiffany DaSilva, Founder of Flowjo.

Tiffany is an in-demand conference presenter who has spoken at SearchLove, Learn Inbound, CTA Conf, inOrbit, and many, many other places.

She is a veteran digital marketer with a wide breadth of knowledge and expertise. But this isn’t a conversation about some esoteric part of digital marketing. Instead, I’m going to chat with Tiffany about imposter syndrome and building a legacy.

Tiffany began talking at conferences about imposter syndrome a few years ago and became on of the most in demand presenters in our industry. Her company, Flowjo creates Bucket List boxes for individuals, couples, Moms, and Dads interested in building a legacy.

I caught up with Tiffany shortly after she delivered one of the most memorable speeches at the final SearchLove conference in San Diego.

How has imposter syndrome impacted Tiffany personally and professionally? What are some tips for people feeling trapped by imposter syndrome? What does building a legacy have to do with this? I’m going to ask Tiffany these questions and many more.

Grab something cold to drink and join me for a conversation with Tiffany DaSilva. We’ll chat about cutting negative people from your life, we’ll spend a little bit of time talking about her powerful “one word” exercise, and she’ll tell us about the importance of building a shine crew.