Get found in more local searches

If your business has a physical location or serves customers in a particular geographic area, you need Local SEO (that’s the strategy of targeting Google’s local algorithm). While there’s some overlap with “regular SEO”, Local SEO will provide significantly better visibility for your business.

Local SEO is literally all that we do. It’s our passion, and our Vice President of Search is one of the top Local SEO experts in the country. Our deep experience working exclusively with local businesses means we’re able to solve problems that most agencies haven’t even encountered.

The cookie cutter approach doesn’t work

Every business is unique, and every market is different. Most digital marketing agencies take a cookie cutter approach, providing the exact same service to every client. We don’t understand that approach… The things you need to do for a car dealer are completely different from the things you need to do for an attorney or a plumber. We’ve put in years of work, so we know exactly what matters for getting your site to show up more often in local searches.

Everything we do is customized

There’s no secret to what we do. We’re not miracle workers or magicians. We get results because we know more and we do more. We follow our proven framework, which allows us to address all the signals that matter to Google’s local algorithm – but we customize our strategy for each client. Why force a square peg into a round hole? We conduct extensive research so we know your strengths and weaknesses, then we customize our framework to address your specific needs.

Our framework for local success

We focus on metrics that matter

You don’t hire an SEO agency to get you to rank for keywords, you hire an SEO agency to get you more traffic and more leads. Pages and pages of ranking reports don’t mean anything to your business. We’re driven by data and results. Everything we do is focused on your bottom line, so success means your organic traffic is increasing and you’re getting more (and better quality) leads.

Local SEO is a king of the hill battle

In local searches, there are only 13 spots available on page one of search results – 10 organic links and 3 links in the map pack. If you’re not dominating local search results, you’re not going to be able to grow your business. SEO isn’t something you can turn on and off – to beat your local competitors, you have to continually push out the right signals to Google. You have to be better than your competitors for a longer period of time – and that means you need an agency that understands exactly how Google’s local algorithm works.

Custom reports help prove ROI

You’ve got access to Google Analytics, so what’s the use of a report that shows the same data? We use Google Data Studio to combine multiple data sources into a single report that’s incredibly robust yet simple to understand. We add pre-SEO baselines to each metric so you can easily judge improvement over time. Basically, we want our reports to be useful… to tell a story. And again, everything we do is focused on your bottom line, so we present the reports on a monthly call where we provide our analysis. If you know what we did, how it affected your site, and how it helped grow your business, you’ll be a happy, long term partner.

Our low client to consultant ratio means better results

Most agencies overload their SEO consultants with more clients than they can realistically handle – it’s not uncommon to see 40-50 clients per consultant (or even more). We limit our SEO consultants to 10 clients, because we know our customized approach and the high level of service we’re promising take time. Fewer clients means more time per client, and more time per client means better results. Our boutique approach also means you get better service. Forget the account manager model – we let you talk directly to the consultant who’s working on your site. Our average SEO client stays with us for two and a half years (and we’ve only been in business since 2017) because we provide proven results with a higher level of personal service.

Ready to take the next step?

If you’re ready to start dominating local search results, let’s have a chat about how SearchLab can help your business.